Saturday 21 February 2015

Going To Usage and Illustrative Examples

Another way of expressing a future action is the construction "to be going to + infinitive". It is mainly found with dynamic verbs; it is characterized by the following additional modal meanings:

a) premeditated intention (see the illustrative example below):

1. Father and son are watching the stars.

Father: I wonder if they’re what we think they are? Stars! Stars like this! People think we know about them. I wonder if we do. I wonder if we can. I wonder if we they are what we think they are.
Son: Let’s find out. I’m going to find out.
Father: Well.
Son: I’m going to find out all about them.
Father: Perhaps you will. A lot of people have tried, you know. Sir Isaac Newton – and Sir Robert Ball – and Sir William Herschell -- …
(G. P. Snow. The Search)

b) the action is imminent, unavoidable in the near future (see the passage quoted below):

2. The children eagerly tell their teacher of their holiday adventures.

Anne: Miss, we went to Southsea last week, and I’ve brought you back a piece of rock.
Eric (producing a long piece of seaweed): It’s for us to tell the weather by. You hang it up – out in the lobby – and if it’s wet it’s going to rain, and if it’s dry, it ain’t going to rain.
The teacher: Isn’t.
(Miss Read. Village School)